Fair Funding for Virtual Students
/Whats the problem?
The Funding Subcommittee of the State Education Reform Commission has chosen to recommend to specifically reduce the amount of funds that virtual school students receive from 66% of traditional schools down to only 50%, a reduction of over $6.5MM, or nearly $475 per GCA student. With funding increasing overall for the vast majority of school districts in Georgia under the new system, this would actually increase the disparity between virtual students and other public school students receive. We need to contact this committee ASAP. Please call and email the Education Committee today and let them know virtual students do not deserve to have their funding cut, let them know our students deserve more not less. You can contact the Education Reform Commission directly by reaching out to to the Subcommittee members responsible for the funding recommendations and tell them not to cut funding for virtual students:
Senator Jack Hill:
o Capitol Office: 404-656-5038
o District Office: 912-557-3811
o Email: jack.hill@senate.ga.gov
Rep Terry England:
o Capitol Office: 404-463-2245
o Legislative Aide: 404-463-2245
o Email: englandhomeport2@windstream.net
Senator Lindsay Tippins:
o Capitol Office: 404-657-0406
o District Office: 770-424-2777
o Email: kathleen.cominski@senate.ga.gov
Rep Tom Dickson:
o Capitol Office: 404-463-2247
o Email: tom.dickson@house.ga.gov