Directions & Parking

Driving/MARTA directions to the Capitol

·      From the East Take I-20 West to Exit 58A (Capitol Avenue). Turn right on Capitol Avenue. The Capitol will be approximately one mile down on the left.

·      From the North Take I-75/85 South to Exit 248A (Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive). Bear right onto Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. The Capitol will be on the left.

·      MARTA Take the Georgia State Station (directly across from the Capitol in the Sloppy/Twin Towers complex) or the Five Points station (two blocks west of the Capitol at Underground Atlanta).

·      For additional directions:

Public Parking:

Pete Hackney parking deck located at the corner of Butler Street & Decatur Street near the Floyd Building (Twin Towers). Cost $5.

Steve Polk Plaza parking – located on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Underground Parking Deck on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Map of area surrounding the State Capitol, including parking: